Understanding HIPAA Releases | Practical Law

Understanding HIPAA Releases | Practical Law

A Practice Note explaining Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) releases, which an individual can use to designate one or more people to have access to a client's protected health information, with a focus on the use of a HIPAA release as part of the individual's estate plan. This Note provides information on the purpose and use of a HIPAA release, drafting and execution requirements, and advantages and limitations as related to other advance health care directives, including health care powers of attorney and living wills.

Understanding HIPAA Releases

Practical Law Practice Note w-016-6266 (Approx. 15 pages)

Understanding HIPAA Releases

by Practical Law Trusts & Estates
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
A Practice Note explaining Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) releases, which an individual can use to designate one or more people to have access to a client's protected health information, with a focus on the use of a HIPAA release as part of the individual's estate plan. This Note provides information on the purpose and use of a HIPAA release, drafting and execution requirements, and advantages and limitations as related to other advance health care directives, including health care powers of attorney and living wills.