Patent Litigation: Preparing a Prior Artist for Deposition | Practical Law

Patent Litigation: Preparing a Prior Artist for Deposition | Practical Law

A Practice Note addressing key issues for counsel representing a non-party prior artist in a patent infringement litigation to consider when preparing the prior artist for a deposition. This Note covers how to examine a deposition subpoena directed to the prior artist and schedule the deposition, explain the rules of the deposition, ask mock questions, and review relevant exhibits.

Patent Litigation: Preparing a Prior Artist for Deposition

Practical Law Practice Note w-016-8560 (Approx. 17 pages)

Patent Litigation: Preparing a Prior Artist for Deposition

by Practical Law Intellectual Property & Technology
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
A Practice Note addressing key issues for counsel representing a non-party prior artist in a patent infringement litigation to consider when preparing the prior artist for a deposition. This Note covers how to examine a deposition subpoena directed to the prior artist and schedule the deposition, explain the rules of the deposition, ask mock questions, and review relevant exhibits.