Government publishes Housing Green Paper and related documents | Practical Law

Government publishes Housing Green Paper and related documents | Practical Law

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published the following documents on 23 July 2007:

Government publishes Housing Green Paper and related documents

Practical Law UK Legal Update 4-373-7986 (Approx. 3 pages)

Government publishes Housing Green Paper and related documents

by PLC Environment and PLC Property
Published on 24 Jul 2007England, Wales
The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) published the following documents on 23 July 2007:
  • A Housing Green Paper.
  • Practice Guidance on Strategic Land Availability Assessment, which gives local authorities advice on identifying land for housing and assessing deliverability.
  • An Eco-towns Prospectus, which sets out a "vision" and specification for local authorities and developers on developing eco-towns.
  • A Policy Statement confirming the Government's intention for all new homes to be zero carbon by 2016.
  • A document outlining the significant and progressive changes that will need to be made to the energy efficiency requirements in the Buildings Regulations to ensure that all new homes are zero carbon by 2016.
  • A consultation document on making the Code for Sustainable Homes mandatory.
  • Preliminary advice on implementing Planning Performance Agreements.
  • An analysis of the responses received to the consultation on the draft Planning Policy Statement on Planning and Climate Change.
  • A Policy Statement on water efficiency in new buildings.
For links to all of these documents, see DCLG press release.
PLC Environment and PLC Property will produce detailed legal updates on these documents once they have had a chance to consider the full implications for their subscribers.