State Workplace Illness and Injury Prevention Programs: Overview | Practical Law

State Workplace Illness and Injury Prevention Programs: Overview | Practical Law

An at-a-glance Chart listing the states with workplace illness and injury prevention programs for private employers. This Chart outlines each state's programs, which may include accident prevention programs, health and safety committees, consultation and training services, or incentives for a reduction in workers' compensation premiums. It also indicates whether the program is voluntary or mandatory and the employers covered by the program.

State Workplace Illness and Injury Prevention Programs: Overview

Practical Law Practice Note Overview w-000-7306 (Approx. 28 pages)

State Workplace Illness and Injury Prevention Programs: Overview

by Practical Law Labor & Employment
An at-a-glance Chart listing the states with workplace illness and injury prevention programs for private employers. This Chart outlines each state's programs, which may include accident prevention programs, health and safety committees, consultation and training services, or incentives for a reduction in workers' compensation premiums. It also indicates whether the program is voluntary or mandatory and the employers covered by the program.