Advance Health-Care Directive (HI) | Practical Law

Advance Health-Care Directive (HI) | Practical Law

A Standard Document that allows an individual residing in Hawaii to provide advance written directions concerning health-care decisions and to authorize an agent to make health-care decisions for the individual. The document may include instructions regarding particular health-care treatments, including directives regarding life-sustaining treatments or end-of-life care. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.

Advance Health-Care Directive (HI)

Practical Law Standard Document w-035-2065 (Approx. 23 pages)

Advance Health-Care Directive (HI)

by Douglas C. Smith and Megan L. M. Lim, Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert, AAL, ALC, with Practical Law Trusts & Estates
Law stated as of 29 Jun 2023Hawaii
A Standard Document that allows an individual residing in Hawaii to provide advance written directions concerning health-care decisions and to authorize an agent to make health-care decisions for the individual. The document may include instructions regarding particular health-care treatments, including directives regarding life-sustaining treatments or end-of-life care. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.