Rules of Evidence (Civil Proceedings): Overview (Russian Federation) | Practical Law

Rules of Evidence (Civil Proceedings): Overview (Russian Federation) | Practical Law

A Practice Note providing an overview of the rules governing disclosure and the admissibility of evidence in civil proceedings. It looks at the rules on the disclosure obligations of the parties, admissibility of evidence, witness evidence, the burden and standard of proof, as well as issues that arise in gathering cross-border evidence.

Rules of Evidence (Civil Proceedings): Overview (Russian Federation)

Practical Law UK Practice Note Overview w-034-7330 (Approx. 22 pages)

Rules of Evidence (Civil Proceedings): Overview (Russian Federation)

by Pavel Boulatov and Dmitry Tikhonov, White & Case LLP
Law stated as at 01 Dec 2023Russian Federation
A Practice Note providing an overview of the rules governing disclosure and the admissibility of evidence in civil proceedings. It looks at the rules on the disclosure obligations of the parties, admissibility of evidence, witness evidence, the burden and standard of proof, as well as issues that arise in gathering cross-border evidence.