European Parliament adopts new service regulation | Practical Law

European Parliament adopts new service regulation | Practical Law

The European Parliament has passed, without amendment, a resolution adopting the common position of the Council of Europe (the Council) regarding the introduction of a new EU regulation on the service of documents, which will replace the existing EU Regulation 1348/2000 on the service in Member States of judicial and extra-judicial documents (the Service Regulation).

European Parliament adopts new service regulation

Practical Law UK Legal Update 3-378-9042 (Approx. 3 pages)

European Parliament adopts new service regulation

by PLC Dispute Resolution
Published on 07 Nov 2007England, Wales
The European Parliament has passed, without amendment, a resolution adopting the common position of the Council of Europe (the Council) regarding the introduction of a new EU regulation on the service of documents, which will replace the existing EU Regulation 1348/2000 on the service in Member States of judicial and extra-judicial documents (the Service Regulation).