Law stated as of 22 Mar 2018 • USA (National/Federal)
This Note discusses the Overseas Foreign Investment Corporation (OPIC)'s investment programs as a source of financing in project finance transactions.
In accordance with the terms of the Better Utilization of Investments Leading to Development Act of 2018, in March 2019, the Trump Administration submitted a reorganization plan to define the role of the new development agency, the United States International Development Finance Corporation (IDFC) that is intended to replace OPIC. Under the terms of the plan, OPIC will cease to exist as of October 1, 2019 when all of its functions, personnel, assets, and liabilities will be transferred to the IDFC. As a result, Practical Law Finance is (i) no longer maintaining this resource and (ii) working on a Practice Note to explain the purpose, duties, and limitations of the IDFC.