Common Element | Practical Law

Common Element | Practical Law

Common Element

Common Element

Practical Law Glossary Item w-002-9072 (Approx. 3 pages)


Common Element

Areas or parts of a condominium property not included in the individual condominium units.
Common elements are owned in undivided shares by all condominium unit owners as tenants in common and include portions of the condominium shared or used in common by the condominium's residents.
Examples of common elements are:
  • Building structural components and systems.
  • Lobbies.
  • Parking areas.
  • Recreational facilities.
  • Gardens and yards.
Common elements may be specifically defined by state statutes that vary by jurisdiction.
A condominium is governed by a condominium association that is responsible for maintaining the common elements (see Practice Note, Condominium Associations: Repairs and Maintenance).