Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville and Schoenebaum, P.L.C. | Practical Law

Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville and Schoenebaum, P.L.C. | Practical Law

Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville and Schoenebaum, P.L.C.

Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville and Schoenebaum, P.L.C.

Practical Law State Contributor: Real Estate
Contact Information
666 Grand Avenue
Suite 2000, Ruan Center
Des Moines, IA 50309
T: 515-242-2400
F: 515-283-0231
Brown Winick, PLC has its home office in Des Moines, Iowa, but it has a regional and national practice. With a full range of practice areas, the law firm focuses on representing businesses and individuals in their business dealings. From commercial to labor law, from litigation to intellectual property, and everything in between, Brown Winick works as a true partner with its clients, studying their business and anticipating their needs. Whether the client is a small start-up or a Fortune 1000 corporation, Brown Winick’s commitment to business makes it a formidable ally and a powerful advocate.
Brown Winick’s Construction lawyers have extensive experience representing owners, contractors, construction managers, developers, design professionals, lenders, insurance and bonding companies, suppliers and sureties in all aspects of the construction process, including bidding and document preparation, contract negotiation and formation, contract performance, financing and warranty issues, OSHA compliance and guidance, mechanics' and materialmen liens, green construction, and litigation, arbitration or other dispute resolution of claims. Our Construction lawyers are also called upon to provide advice and guidance to construction trade associations and the Iowa legislature on issues impacting the construction industry in Iowa.

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