Predictive Coding: A Primer | Practical Law

Predictive Coding: A Primer | Practical Law

This Practice Note is an introduction to predictive coding (also called technology-assisted review (TAR) or computer-assisted review (CAR)). This Note answers common questions about predictive coding, such as what it is, how it works, what its benefits are and how it can be used.

Predictive Coding: A Primer

Practical Law Canada Practice Note w-010-2170 (Approx. 7 pages)

Predictive Coding: A Primer

by Practical Law Canada Corporate & Commercial Litigation
MaintainedCanada (Common Law)
This Practice Note is an introduction to predictive coding (also called technology-assisted review (TAR) or computer-assisted review (CAR)). This Note answers common questions about predictive coding, such as what it is, how it works, what its benefits are and how it can be used.