Understanding Advance Health Care Directives | Practical Law

Understanding Advance Health Care Directives | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing the most common types of advance health care directives across the US and basic information regarding each type of advance health care directive. Advance health care directives include directives appointing a health care agent, making end-of-life decisions, and making mental health care decisions. This Note discusses the purpose of advance health care directives, limitations of advance health care directives, and standards for executing and revoking directives with specific state examples.

Understanding Advance Health Care Directives

Practical Law Practice Note w-016-6268 (Approx. 31 pages)

Understanding Advance Health Care Directives

by Practical Law Trusts & Estates
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
A Practice Note discussing the most common types of advance health care directives across the US and basic information regarding each type of advance health care directive. Advance health care directives include directives appointing a health care agent, making end-of-life decisions, and making mental health care decisions. This Note discusses the purpose of advance health care directives, limitations of advance health care directives, and standards for executing and revoking directives with specific state examples.