Force Majeure (UK Style) (Jurisdiction Neutral) | Practical Law

Force Majeure (UK Style) (Jurisdiction Neutral) | Practical Law

A boilerplate clause that suspends (and may end) performance of obligations where a party is prevented from performing by events outside its control.

Force Majeure (UK Style) (Jurisdiction Neutral)

Practical Law UK Standard Clause w-005-5217 (Approx. 9 pages)

Force Majeure (UK Style) (Jurisdiction Neutral)

by Practical Law Global
Published on 30 Apr 2020International
A boilerplate clause that suspends (and may end) performance of obligations where a party is prevented from performing by events outside its control.
This clause has been adapted from Standard Clause, Force majeure to provide a plain English, UK-style jurisdiction neutral starting point for local counsel to adapt in cross-border transactions.