Severed Lasting Powers of Attorney: Thirty Nine Essex Street Note | Practical Law

Severed Lasting Powers of Attorney: Thirty Nine Essex Street Note | Practical Law

This note, from Thirty Nine Essex Street, summarises some of the Court of Protection decisions on the severance of lasting powers of attorney, pulling together themes from the most important decisions.

Severed Lasting Powers of Attorney: Thirty Nine Essex Street Note

Practical Law Resource ID 2-533-1428 (Approx. 2 pages)

Severed Lasting Powers of Attorney: Thirty Nine Essex Street Note

by Alex Ruck Keene, Victoria Butler-Cole, Josephine Norris, Neil Allen and Michelle Pratley of Thirty Nine Essex Street
Published on 03 Jul 2013England, Wales
This note, from Thirty Nine Essex Street, summarises some of the Court of Protection decisions on the severance of lasting powers of attorney, pulling together themes from the most important decisions.