Advance Health Care Directive (UT) | Practical Law

Advance Health Care Directive (UT) | Practical Law

An advance health care directive allows a declarant residing in Utah to express preferences regarding health care treatments if the declarant cannot make health care decisions and to authorize an agent to make health care decisions for the declarant. These instructions may include directives for the withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatments. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.

Advance Health Care Directive (UT)

Practical Law Standard Document w-021-9248 (Approx. 18 pages)

Advance Health Care Directive (UT)

by Jennifer A. Whitlock, David E. Sloan, and Mark F. Dahle, Jr., Sloan & Sloan, a division of Fabian VanCott, with Practical Law Trusts & Estates
Law stated as of 27 Oct 2020Utah
An advance health care directive allows a declarant residing in Utah to express preferences regarding health care treatments if the declarant cannot make health care decisions and to authorize an agent to make health care decisions for the declarant. These instructions may include directives for the withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatments. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.
Estate planning, estate and trust administration, and estate and trust taxation filing deadlines may be impacted by emergency measures enacted in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). For current updates on certain state and local laws and procedures impacted by COVID-19, including electronic signature, notarization, and witnessing laws and emergency orders, court closures, deadline extensions, and updated procedures, tax extensions, and general emergency estate planning guidance, see Private Client Global Coronavirus Toolkit.