Rentcharges: overview | Practical Law

Rentcharges: overview | Practical Law

This note explains what a rentcharge is, why rentcharges matter and how rentcharges are created, registered and transferred. This note includes a section on estate rentcharges and is part of a collection of notes on rentcharges, brought together in our Rentcharges toolkit.

Rentcharges: overview

Practical Law UK Practice Note 6-521-7280 (Approx. 42 pages)

Rentcharges: overview

MaintainedEngland, Wales
This note explains what a rentcharge is, why rentcharges matter and how rentcharges are created, registered and transferred. This note includes a section on estate rentcharges and is part of a collection of notes on rentcharges, brought together in our Rentcharges toolkit.
Note added: We are updating this practice note to reflect the Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024, which received Royal Assent on 24 May 2024, see Legal update, Leasehold and Freehold Reform Act 2024: Royal Assent.