Risk-Based Due Diligence of Third Parties in Commercial Transactions | Practical Law

Risk-Based Due Diligence of Third Parties in Commercial Transactions | Practical Law

This Practice Note explains the risk-based due diligence of a third party as part of a commercial transaction, including third-party agents and intermediaries, suppliers, and other business partners. Topics covered include what risk-based due diligence is, the purpose of risk-based due diligence, preliminary risk assessments, key risk indicators or red flags, risk-based due diligence levels, and managing due diligence findings.

Risk-Based Due Diligence of Third Parties in Commercial Transactions

Practical Law Practice Note w-004-7864 (Approx. 23 pages)

Risk-Based Due Diligence of Third Parties in Commercial Transactions

by Practical Law Commercial Transactions
This Practice Note explains the risk-based due diligence of a third party as part of a commercial transaction, including third-party agents and intermediaries, suppliers, and other business partners. Topics covered include what risk-based due diligence is, the purpose of risk-based due diligence, preliminary risk assessments, key risk indicators or red flags, risk-based due diligence levels, and managing due diligence findings.