Hot topics: EU regulation of sustainable finance | Practical Law

Hot topics: EU regulation of sustainable finance | Practical Law

The European Commission has made sustainability considerations an integral part of its financial policy in recent years and has worked on multiple sustainable finance reforms. This note provides an overview of the Commission's sustainable finance work and is designed to allow users to navigate to more detailed information about the Commission's strategies, communications and legislation.

Hot topics: EU regulation of sustainable finance

Practical Law UK Practice Note w-018-9850 (Approx. 50 pages)

Hot topics: EU regulation of sustainable finance

MaintainedEuropean Union
The European Commission has made sustainability considerations an integral part of its financial policy in recent years and has worked on multiple sustainable finance reforms. This note provides an overview of the Commission's sustainable finance work and is designed to allow users to navigate to more detailed information about the Commission's strategies, communications and legislation.
The note also tracks ongoing developments deriving from the European Commission's sustainable finance framework.