Massachusetts Appeals: Petitioning for Interlocutory Relief | Practical Law

Massachusetts Appeals: Petitioning for Interlocutory Relief | Practical Law

A Practice Note explaining the process for petitioning the Massachusetts Appeals Court single justice under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 231, Section 118 (first paragraph) for discretionary appellate relief from a trial court's interlocutory order in civil litigation (also called a single justice appeal or interlocutory appeal). This Note also discusses considerations for whether to petition, the available relief, and how to seek further appellate review of the single justice's decision.

Massachusetts Appeals: Petitioning for Interlocutory Relief

Practical Law Practice Note w-018-0012 (Approx. 32 pages)

Massachusetts Appeals: Petitioning for Interlocutory Relief

by Practical Law Litigation
A Practice Note explaining the process for petitioning the Massachusetts Appeals Court single justice under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 231, Section 118 (first paragraph) for discretionary appellate relief from a trial court's interlocutory order in civil litigation (also called a single justice appeal or interlocutory appeal). This Note also discusses considerations for whether to petition, the available relief, and how to seek further appellate review of the single justice's decision.