Handling Internet of Things Data in Litigation | Practical Law

Handling Internet of Things Data in Litigation | Practical Law

As the reach of the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, counsel must learn to harness the increasing explosion of IoT data. This Article offers guidance on extracting relevant IoT information effectively in litigation while balancing the operational and privacy challenges that this new source of digital evidence raises.

Handling Internet of Things Data in Litigation

Practical Law Article w-017-7872 (Approx. 13 pages)

Handling Internet of Things Data in Litigation

by Samantha V. Ettari, Perkins Coie LLP, with Practical Law Litigation
Law stated as of 28 Nov 2018USA (National/Federal)
As the reach of the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, counsel must learn to harness the increasing explosion of IoT data. This Article offers guidance on extracting relevant IoT information effectively in litigation while balancing the operational and privacy challenges that this new source of digital evidence raises.