Partnerships for Schools to be abolished | Practical Law

Partnerships for Schools to be abolished | Practical Law

The government has announced that Partnerships for Schools (PfS), the body responsible for the government's Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, will close down. The closure is likely to take effect in April 2012, with PfS' responsibilities being transferred to the new Education Funding Agency.

Partnerships for Schools to be abolished

Practical Law UK Legal Update 0-506-3935 (Approx. 3 pages)

Partnerships for Schools to be abolished

by PLC Construction
Published on 08 Jun 2011England, Wales
The government has announced that Partnerships for Schools (PfS), the body responsible for the government's Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, will close down. The closure is likely to take effect in April 2012, with PfS' responsibilities being transferred to the new Education Funding Agency.