Practical guidelines for resolving commercial disputes during the COVID-19 pandemic | Practical Law

Practical guidelines for resolving commercial disputes during the COVID-19 pandemic | Practical Law

The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has swiftly and decisively changed the approach of the courts to civil litigation. The changes have been essential to accommodate the new social distancing rules and to protect the health of the public and the courts.

Practical guidelines for resolving commercial disputes during the COVID-19 pandemic

Published on 20 Apr 2020Australia
The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has swiftly and decisively changed the approach of the courts to civil litigation. The changes have been essential to accommodate the new social distancing rules and to protect the health of the public and the courts.
Practice notes and directions guide the legal profession through the civil procedure process in the current environment. Many of the new measures will be temporary (although they may last many months), but others might be adopted long term. In this article, we look beyond the new 'rules and regulations' and recommend some practical steps to assist businesses effectively resolve commercial disputes during the pandemic.