Pennsylvania Appeals: Who May Take or Participate in an Appeal | Practical Law

Pennsylvania Appeals: Who May Take or Participate in an Appeal | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing the parties and nonparties that have standing to appeal or petition a Pennsylvania state court for review of a civil order or other adjudication issued by a trial court or another government unit. This Note also identifies how someone unable to appeal or petition may participate as amicus curiae in an appeal to a Pennsylvania appellate court.

Pennsylvania Appeals: Who May Take or Participate in an Appeal

Practical Law Practice Note w-034-8648 (Approx. 14 pages)

Pennsylvania Appeals: Who May Take or Participate in an Appeal

by Practical Law Litigation
A Practice Note discussing the parties and nonparties that have standing to appeal or petition a Pennsylvania state court for review of a civil order or other adjudication issued by a trial court or another government unit. This Note also identifies how someone unable to appeal or petition may participate as amicus curiae in an appeal to a Pennsylvania appellate court.