Court and Judge Rules Update: October 5-11, 2016 | Practical Law

Court and Judge Rules Update: October 5-11, 2016 | Practical Law

This Legal Update reports on significant changes to the local civil and criminal rules and procedures for all US federal district courts and appellate courts between October 5-11, 2016. It also reports on changes to the individual civil and criminal practice rules for the judges in select district courts during this period.

Court and Judge Rules Update: October 5-11, 2016

Practical Law Legal Update w-003-8635 (Approx. 4 pages)

Court and Judge Rules Update: October 5-11, 2016

by Practical Law Litigation
This Legal Update reports on significant changes to the local civil and criminal rules and procedures for all US federal district courts and appellate courts between October 5-11, 2016. It also reports on changes to the individual civil and criminal practice rules for the judges in select district courts during this period.

Second Circuit

Eastern District of New York

Magistrate Judge Cheryl L. Pollak revised her individual rules. A copy of the previous version is available here.

Southern District of New York

Judge Gregory H. Woods posted his FLSA mediation referral order.

Western District of New York

The US District Court for the Western District of New York revised its attorney admission procedures.

Third Circuit

District of New Jersey

The US District Court for the District of New Jersey amended Local Civil Rules 5.3, 16.1, and 26.1. The amendments are effective as of September 30, 2016.

Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Judge Mark A. Kearney revised his policies and procedures. A copy of the previous version is available here.

Fifth Circuit

Eastern District of Texas

Magistrate Judge Roy S. Payne posted an exemption order to Local Rule CV-5(a)(9) regarding courtesy paper copies of electronically-filed documents.

Western District of Texas

The US District Court for the Western District of Texas amended its order assigning the business of the court.

Sixth Circuit

Northern District of Ohio

The US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio revised its electronic filing policies and procedures manual by increasing the data size limit (in megabytes) for e-filed documents.

Western District of Kentucky

The US District Court for the Western District of Kentucky entered Amended General Order 2016-05, which authorizes the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to hear appeals originating in the Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Kentucky.

Seventh Circuit

Northern District of Illinois

Magistrate Judge Maria Valdez revised her proposed scheduling order.
Magistrate Judge Susan E. Cox revised her case procedures regarding discovery motions.

Ninth Circuit

Central District of California

Judge Percy Anderson posted a notice regarding his participation in a pilot project using a jury evidence recording system during trial.

District of Idaho

The US District Court for the District of Idaho revised District Local Rule Civ. 83.4 regarding bar admission.

Eleventh Circuit

Middle District of Florida

Judge Covington revised her case management report. A copy of the previous version is available here.