Crisis management for in-house lawyers | Practical Law

Crisis management for in-house lawyers | Practical Law

This note explains the key issues that in-house lawyers should consider when helping their organisations prepare for and manage a crisis. It describes key steps in crisis management (before, during and after a crisis), the components of a crisis management plan, the structure of a crisis management team, and the role of in-house lawyers in prevention planning, risk assessment, crisis management and recovery.

Crisis management for in-house lawyers

Practical Law ANZ Practice Note w-027-2532 (Approx. 20 pages)

Crisis management for in-house lawyers

by Practical Law In-house
MaintainedAustralia, Federal
This note explains the key issues that in-house lawyers should consider when helping their organisations prepare for and manage a crisis. It describes key steps in crisis management (before, during and after a crisis), the components of a crisis management plan, the structure of a crisis management team, and the role of in-house lawyers in prevention planning, risk assessment, crisis management and recovery.