Expert Discovery (CA) | Practical Law

Expert Discovery (CA) | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing expert discovery in civil litigation under the California Code of Civil Procedure. This Note discusses strategy and timing for expert discovery, making a demand for the exchange of expert witness information, preparing and exchanging expert witness information, and taking expert depositions. This Note also discusses excluding experts due to a party's noncompliance with exchange requirements, and motions for relief from a failure to comply in certain circumstances.

Expert Discovery (CA)

Practical Law Practice Note w-033-8277 (Approx. 24 pages)

Expert Discovery (CA)

by Practical Law Litigation
A Practice Note discussing expert discovery in civil litigation under the California Code of Civil Procedure. This Note discusses strategy and timing for expert discovery, making a demand for the exchange of expert witness information, preparing and exchanging expert witness information, and taking expert depositions. This Note also discusses excluding experts due to a party's noncompliance with exchange requirements, and motions for relief from a failure to comply in certain circumstances.