Translate only necessary documents and keep bundles to 350 pages (Family Court) | Practical Law

Translate only necessary documents and keep bundles to 350 pages (Family Court) | Practical Law

In Re L (A Child) [2015] EWFC 15, Munby P gave guidance about selecting documents and summarising evidence for translation when dealing with clients who do not speak English. He also sends a strong warning about not complying with the Practice Direction on bundles.

Translate only necessary documents and keep bundles to 350 pages (Family Court)

Practical Law UK Legal Update Case Report 8-602-2087 (Approx. 3 pages)

Translate only necessary documents and keep bundles to 350 pages (Family Court)

Published on 27 Feb 2015England, Wales
In Re L (A Child) [2015] EWFC 15, Munby P gave guidance about selecting documents and summarising evidence for translation when dealing with clients who do not speak English. He also sends a strong warning about not complying with the Practice Direction on bundles.