Trademark Licensing in the Cannabis Industry | Practical Law

Trademark Licensing in the Cannabis Industry | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing trademark licensing in the cannabis industry under US law. This Note addresses the unique issues that trademark owners and their licensees must consider when licensing a mark for use in connection with marijuana and other cannabis products, including the legality of the licensed goods, licensing and disclosure requirements that states may impose on trademark licensors, and the quality control and other trademark license provisions that are particularly affected by the nature of the licensed goods.

Trademark Licensing in the Cannabis Industry

Practical Law Practice Note w-032-9585 (Approx. 13 pages)

Trademark Licensing in the Cannabis Industry

by Frederic Rocafort, Harris Sliwoski, with Practical Law Intellectual Property & Technology
A Practice Note discussing trademark licensing in the cannabis industry under US law. This Note addresses the unique issues that trademark owners and their licensees must consider when licensing a mark for use in connection with marijuana and other cannabis products, including the legality of the licensed goods, licensing and disclosure requirements that states may impose on trademark licensors, and the quality control and other trademark license provisions that are particularly affected by the nature of the licensed goods.