Biometrics in the Workplace | Practical Law

Biometrics in the Workplace | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing the regulation and use of biometrics in the workplace. This Note discusses common definitions of biometric information and identifiers, employers' use of biometrics, the current statutes governing biometric privacy, and best practices for employers regarding the collection, use, retention, and disposal of employees' biometric information. This Note is intended for private employers and is jurisdiction neutral but highlights relevant state laws.

Biometrics in the Workplace

Practical Law Practice Note w-014-0305 (Approx. 43 pages)

Biometrics in the Workplace

by Brian Cesaratto and Alexander Franchilli, Epstein Becker Green, with Practical Law Labor & Employment
MaintainedExpandIllinois, Texas, USA (National/Federal)...Washington
A Practice Note discussing the regulation and use of biometrics in the workplace. This Note discusses common definitions of biometric information and identifiers, employers' use of biometrics, the current statutes governing biometric privacy, and best practices for employers regarding the collection, use, retention, and disposal of employees' biometric information. This Note is intended for private employers and is jurisdiction neutral but highlights relevant state laws.