Service of Pleadings (ON) | Practical Law

Service of Pleadings (ON) | Practical Law

A Practice Note examining how to serve originating processes and other pleadings in Ontario under the Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194. This Note includes information and tips on choosing a method of service, how to effect personal service, alternatives to personal service, how and when to serve a party's lawyer, serving unrepresented parties, obtaining proof of service, and filing pleadings. Common service issues are also discussed.

Service of Pleadings (ON)

Practical Law Canada Practice Note 1-617-3249 (Approx. 30 pages)

Service of Pleadings (ON)

by Practical Law Canada Corporate & Commercial Litigation
A Practice Note examining how to serve originating processes and other pleadings in Ontario under the Rules of Civil Procedure, R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194. This Note includes information and tips on choosing a method of service, how to effect personal service, alternatives to personal service, how and when to serve a party's lawyer, serving unrepresented parties, obtaining proof of service, and filing pleadings. Common service issues are also discussed.