Advance Health-Care Directive (DE) | Practical Law

Advance Health-Care Directive (DE) | Practical Law

A Standard Document that allows a competent adult individual to authorize an agent to make health-care decisions for the individual and to receive health information regarding the individual, and provide advance written directions concerning health-care decisions on behalf of the individual. These instructions may include directives for the withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatments. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.

Advance Health-Care Directive (DE)

Practical Law Standard Document w-021-2030 (Approx. 21 pages)

Advance Health-Care Directive (DE)

by J. Zachary Haupt and Anne Grae Martin, Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, with Practical Law Trusts and Estates
Law stated as of 14 Jul 2023Delaware
A Standard Document that allows a competent adult individual to authorize an agent to make health-care decisions for the individual and to receive health information regarding the individual, and provide advance written directions concerning health-care decisions on behalf of the individual. These instructions may include directives for the withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatments. This Standard Document contains integrated notes and drafting tips.