Transmission network use of system charges (TNUoS charges) | Practical Law

Transmission network use of system charges (TNUoS charges) | Practical Law

Transmission network use of system charges (TNUoS charges)

Transmission network use of system charges (TNUoS charges)

Practical Law UK Glossary 1-622-8794 (Approx. 3 pages)


Transmission network use of system charges (TNUoS charges)

Charges made by the system operator (see System operator (SO)) for the use of the National electricity transmission system (NETS) designed to cover the cost of installing and maintaining transmission system infrastructure. The tariff is set as £/kW and is calculated ahead of time. The charges may be positive or negative, depending on location, and their recovery is split between electricity suppliers and generators. Charges to generators are based on their transmission entry capacity (TEC). Charges to electricity suppliers and large industrial customers are based on their electricity demand at peak times. The obligation to pay TNUoS charges and the methodology for their calculation is set out in the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC).