Consumer Product Regulation and Safety: Overview (China) | Practical Law

Consumer Product Regulation and Safety: Overview (China) | Practical Law

A Practice Note providing an overview of China's product safety and regulation for foreign retailers, distributors, manufacturers, or suppliers of goods. This Note offers information regarding product safety laws and regulations, industry-specific considerations, disclosure requirements, and enforcement in China.

Consumer Product Regulation and Safety: Overview (China)

Practical Law UK Practice Note Overview w-035-2464 (Approx. 16 pages)

Consumer Product Regulation and Safety: Overview (China)

by He Fan, Xia Tinghui and Zhou Xiangyu, Haiwen & Partners
Law stated as at 01 May 2024China
A Practice Note providing an overview of China's product safety and regulation for foreign retailers, distributors, manufacturers, or suppliers of goods. This Note offers information regarding product safety laws and regulations, industry-specific considerations, disclosure requirements, and enforcement in China.