Certificate of Authorship (Pro-Company, Direct Hire) | Practical Law

Certificate of Authorship (Pro-Company, Direct Hire) | Practical Law

An agreement called a certificate of authorship (COA) that transfers to a studio or production company all rights in the results and proceeds of the services of an independent contractor engaged as a writer (talent) on an entertainment production, such as a television (TV) or streaming movie or series, theatrical motion picture film, social media content, or commercial. It includes work made for hire and assignment provisions and is for use when the studio engages the talent directly (not through a loan-out corporation). The parties negotiate and execute the COA promptly after agreeing to all deal terms before entering into a long-form agreement. While drafted in the studio's favor, this Standard Document aims to be reasonable and includes provisions typical for COAs. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.

Certificate of Authorship (Pro-Company, Direct Hire)

Practical Law Standard Document w-029-0932 (Approx. 14 pages)

Certificate of Authorship (Pro-Company, Direct Hire)

by Practical Law Media & Entertainment
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
An agreement called a certificate of authorship (COA) that transfers to a studio or production company all rights in the results and proceeds of the services of an independent contractor engaged as a writer (talent) on an entertainment production, such as a television (TV) or streaming movie or series, theatrical motion picture film, social media content, or commercial. It includes work made for hire and assignment provisions and is for use when the studio engages the talent directly (not through a loan-out corporation). The parties negotiate and execute the COA promptly after agreeing to all deal terms before entering into a long-form agreement. While drafted in the studio's favor, this Standard Document aims to be reasonable and includes provisions typical for COAs. This Standard Document has integrated notes with important explanations and drafting tips.