Product Liability of Trademark Licensors | Practical Law

Product Liability of Trademark Licensors | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing a trademark licensor's product liability exposure for injuries caused by defective licensed goods. It discusses the apparent manufacturer doctrine, which courts generally apply to assess whether a trademark licensor may be subject to a product liability claim, as well as the steps a trademark licensor may take to reduce the likelihood of product liability exposure while maintaining sufficient quality control to protect its trademark rights.

Product Liability of Trademark Licensors

Practical Law Practice Note w-031-9539 (Approx. 14 pages)

Product Liability of Trademark Licensors

by Practical Law Intellectual Property & Technology
A Practice Note discussing a trademark licensor's product liability exposure for injuries caused by defective licensed goods. It discusses the apparent manufacturer doctrine, which courts generally apply to assess whether a trademark licensor may be subject to a product liability claim, as well as the steps a trademark licensor may take to reduce the likelihood of product liability exposure while maintaining sufficient quality control to protect its trademark rights.