Apex Testimony in Federal Court | Practical Law

Apex Testimony in Federal Court | Practical Law

A Practice Note addressing considerations in federal civil litigation for obtaining or preventing testimony by senior personnel in a government or business (often called apex testimony or apex depositions). This Note explains the legal standard for testimony by a senior government official (sometimes known as the Morgan doctrine), the legal standard for testimony by a corporate executive, and practical considerations in seeking or opposing this kind of testimony.

Apex Testimony in Federal Court

Practical Law Practice Note w-038-9730 (Approx. 16 pages)

Apex Testimony in Federal Court

by Practical Law Litigation
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
A Practice Note addressing considerations in federal civil litigation for obtaining or preventing testimony by senior personnel in a government or business (often called apex testimony or apex depositions). This Note explains the legal standard for testimony by a senior government official (sometimes known as the Morgan doctrine), the legal standard for testimony by a corporate executive, and practical considerations in seeking or opposing this kind of testimony.