Share purchases | Practical Law

Share purchases | Practical Law

An overview of the main issues to consider when buying a company by way of share purchase. This note covers choice of purchase structures (share or asset purchase), methods of sale, heads of agreement, transaction timetables, the due diligence process, the required transaction documents for a share purchase, consents and approvals, the rules on financial assistance and steps for completion and post-completion. This note provides links to relevant resources published by Westlaw NZ.

Share purchases

Practical Law ANZ Practice Note w-018-4901 (Approx. 32 pages)

Share purchases

by Practical Law New Zealand with assistance from Cath Shirley-Brown, Partner, Russell McVeagh
Law stated as at 14 Dec 2022New Zealand
An overview of the main issues to consider when buying a company by way of share purchase. This note covers choice of purchase structures (share or asset purchase), methods of sale, heads of agreement, transaction timetables, the due diligence process, the required transaction documents for a share purchase, consents and approvals, the rules on financial assistance and steps for completion and post-completion. This note provides links to relevant resources published by Westlaw NZ.