Motions in Limine (CA) | Practical Law

Motions in Limine (CA) | Practical Law

A Practice Note addressing motions in limine in unlimited jurisdiction civil actions in California state court. This Note discusses the applicable rules, the advantages and disadvantages of motions in limine, the issues that counsel may raise in a motion in limine, and how to address the court's ruling on the motion.

Motions in Limine (CA)

Practical Law Practice Note w-034-6654 (Approx. 14 pages)

Motions in Limine (CA)

by Practical Law Litigation
A Practice Note addressing motions in limine in unlimited jurisdiction civil actions in California state court. This Note discusses the applicable rules, the advantages and disadvantages of motions in limine, the issues that counsel may raise in a motion in limine, and how to address the court's ruling on the motion.