Insurance special purpose vehicle (ISPVs) regime | Practical Law

Insurance special purpose vehicle (ISPVs) regime | Practical Law

Insurance linked securities (ILS) are financial instruments where the value of the security is linked to an insurable loss event. ILS structures are typically used by insurers and reinsurers as a form of risk mitigation, to transfer risks on their balance sheets to capital market participants through insurance special purpose vehicles (insurance SPVs, ISPVs or ILS vehicles).

Insurance special purpose vehicle (ISPVs) regime

Practical Law UK Practice Note w-012-8842 (Approx. 21 pages)

Insurance special purpose vehicle (ISPVs) regime

by Practical Law Financial Services (based on a note originally contributed by Norton Rose Fulbright LLP)
MaintainedUnited Kingdom
Insurance linked securities (ILS) are financial instruments where the value of the security is linked to an insurable loss event. ILS structures are typically used by insurers and reinsurers as a form of risk mitigation, to transfer risks on their balance sheets to capital market participants through insurance special purpose vehicles (insurance SPVs, ISPVs or ILS vehicles).
This note provides an overview of the UK legal and regulatory framework for ILS and ISPVs.