Smart Contracts: Best Practices | Practical Law

Smart Contracts: Best Practices | Practical Law

A Practice Note setting out best practices for using smart contracts on blockchains. This Note discusses functional and legal considerations for both standalone smart contracts and smart contracts used in conjunction with traditional written contracts (hybrid smart contracts) and discusses ways to maximize benefits and minimize risks when using smart contracts.

Smart Contracts: Best Practices

Practical Law Practice Note w-022-2968 (Approx. 20 pages)

Smart Contracts: Best Practices

by Jeffrey D. Neuburger, Wai L. Choy, and Kevin P. Milewski, Proskauer Rose LLP with Practical Law Commercial Transactions
A Practice Note setting out best practices for using smart contracts on blockchains. This Note discusses functional and legal considerations for both standalone smart contracts and smart contracts used in conjunction with traditional written contracts (hybrid smart contracts) and discusses ways to maximize benefits and minimize risks when using smart contracts.