Formatting, Filing, and Serving Documents in Illinois Appellate Court | Practical Law

Formatting, Filing, and Serving Documents in Illinois Appellate Court | Practical Law

A Practice Note explaining how to format, file, and serve documents in a civil appeal from an Illinois circuit court to the Illinois Appellate Court. This Note explains who may file and serve documents, formatting requirements for documents filed in the appellate court, the required content for documents filed in the appellate court, what documents to file and serve, and when, where, and how to electronically and conventionally file and serve documents.

Formatting, Filing, and Serving Documents in Illinois Appellate Court

Practical Law Practice Note w-036-4782 (Approx. 21 pages)

Formatting, Filing, and Serving Documents in Illinois Appellate Court

by Practical Law Litigation
A Practice Note explaining how to format, file, and serve documents in a civil appeal from an Illinois circuit court to the Illinois Appellate Court. This Note explains who may file and serve documents, formatting requirements for documents filed in the appellate court, the required content for documents filed in the appellate court, what documents to file and serve, and when, where, and how to electronically and conventionally file and serve documents.