Planning and development during COVID-19 – States respond with emergency planning legislation and changes to planning controls | Practical Law

Planning and development during COVID-19 – States respond with emergency planning legislation and changes to planning controls | Practical Law

Following emergency legislative changes that were passed through Queensland and New South Wales Parliaments giving new planning powers, Victoria has followed suit with a state-wide amendment to the planning provisions via Amendment VC181. It is anticipated that emergency legislation related to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) will follow in Victoria which will include other planning and local government measures. South Australia and Western Australia have also introduced amendments to the planning regimes in those states to respond to physical distancing and other COVID-19 related requirements.

Planning and development during COVID-19 – States respond with emergency planning legislation and changes to planning controls

by Mark Beaufoy, Partner, Sally Audeyev, Partner, Matthew Austin, Partner, Debra Townsend, Partner, Anna Vella, Special Counsel, Eleni Carrol and Joel Bond, King & Wood Mallesons
Published on 15 Apr 2020Australia
Following emergency legislative changes that were passed through Queensland and New South Wales Parliaments giving new planning powers, Victoria has followed suit with a state-wide amendment to the planning provisions via Amendment VC181. It is anticipated that emergency legislation related to the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) will follow in Victoria which will include other planning and local government measures. South Australia and Western Australia have also introduced amendments to the planning regimes in those states to respond to physical distancing and other COVID-19 related requirements.