Practical Tips for New Law Department Operations Managers | Practical Law

Practical Tips for New Law Department Operations Managers | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing strategies and actions for new law department operations (LDO) managers to consider when taking responsibility for LDO in a corporate law department. Topics covered include typical LDO managers' professional backgrounds, skills that all LDO managers should have, and practical tips to help new LDO managers succeed, including conducting due diligence about the general counsel's expectations, the law department's effectiveness, and the organization's priorities, identifying important LDO goals, preparing an action plan, and building relationships with key stakeholders.

Practical Tips for New Law Department Operations Managers

Practical Law Practice Note w-026-8673 (Approx. 16 pages)

Practical Tips for New Law Department Operations Managers

by Practical Law
A Practice Note discussing strategies and actions for new law department operations (LDO) managers to consider when taking responsibility for LDO in a corporate law department. Topics covered include typical LDO managers' professional backgrounds, skills that all LDO managers should have, and practical tips to help new LDO managers succeed, including conducting due diligence about the general counsel's expectations, the law department's effectiveness, and the organization's priorities, identifying important LDO goals, preparing an action plan, and building relationships with key stakeholders.