RQ (version 3.17) Request for replies to Commercial Property Standard Enquiries | Practical Law

RQ (version 3.17) Request for replies to Commercial Property Standard Enquiries | Practical Law

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RQ (version 3.17) Request for replies to Commercial Property Standard Enquiries

Practical Law UK Standard Document w-040-7834 (Approx. 6 pages)

RQ (version 3.17) Request for replies to Commercial Property Standard Enquiries

Law stated as at 27 Sep 2023, England, Wales
Use of this document is free and it may be reproduced on solicitors' own document management systems.
RQ can be used to:
Request replies to enquiries raised in one or more of the documents in the suite of documents comprising the Commercial Property Standard Enquiries (CPSE). For details, see .GN/CPSE (version 3.3)
Indicate that replies are requested to additional enquiries that are separate from those raised in any of the CPSE documents.
This document is available in the following formats: Web, Word and PDF (see link below).
If you have any comments, please e-mail: [email protected].
For the PDF version of this document click here.
For the Word version of this document click here.
The following Particulars apply to each of the CPSE documents to which replies are requested.
Development (if appropriate):
Seller's solicitors:
Buyer's solicitors:
CPSE documents for which replies are requested
Please provide replies to the following CPSE documents that have been ticked, omitting any enquiries that are stated to be excluded.
See Additional enquiries for details of any enquiries (additional to those in CPSE documents) for which replies are requested.
Solicitor's title and exchange requirements
Solicitor's completion requirements
General pre-contract enquiries for all commercial property transactions, excluding the following enquiries:
Supplemental pre-contract enquiries for property subject to tenancies for commercial use, excluding the following enquiries:
Supplemental pre-contract enquiries for commercial property on the grant of a new lease, excluding the following enquiries:
Supplemental pre-contract enquiries for commercial property on the assignment of a lease, excluding the following enquiries:
Enquiries before surrender of a rack rent commercial lease, excluding the following enquiries:
Supplemental pre-contract enquiries for property subject to residential tenancies, excluding the following enquiries:
General short form pre-contract enquiries for all property transactions
Additional enquiries
  • Please provide replies to the additional enquiries set out below or attached to this form RQ.