Understanding Designations of Health Care Surrogate (FL) | Practical Law

Understanding Designations of Health Care Surrogate (FL) | Practical Law

A Practice Note explaining the Florida designation of health care surrogate, which an individual can use to authorize an agent, known as a health care surrogate, to act on the individual's behalf to make health care decisions for the individual. This Note provides information on the purpose and use of a designation of health care surrogate, drafting, and execution requirements, and advantages and limitations as related to other advance health care directives, including living wills, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) releases, do not resuscitate orders (DNR), and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST).

Understanding Designations of Health Care Surrogate (FL)

Practical Law Practice Note w-013-1858 (Approx. 21 pages)

Understanding Designations of Health Care Surrogate (FL)

by Practical Law Trusts & Estates
A Practice Note explaining the Florida designation of health care surrogate, which an individual can use to authorize an agent, known as a health care surrogate, to act on the individual's behalf to make health care decisions for the individual. This Note provides information on the purpose and use of a designation of health care surrogate, drafting, and execution requirements, and advantages and limitations as related to other advance health care directives, including living wills, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) releases, do not resuscitate orders (DNR), and physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST).