Limitation of landlord's liability following transfer of the reversion (original and successor landlords) | Practical Law

Limitation of landlord's liability following transfer of the reversion (original and successor landlords) | Practical Law

This clause provides that the landlord (whether the original or a successor) will not be liable for breach of the landlord covenants in the lease following the transfer of its reversionary interest. The landlord continues to be liable for any breaches of landlord covenants occurring before the transfer.

Limitation of landlord's liability following transfer of the reversion (original and successor landlords)

Maintained, England, Wales
This clause provides that the landlord (whether the original or a successor) will not be liable for breach of the landlord covenants in the lease following the transfer of its reversionary interest. The landlord continues to be liable for any breaches of landlord covenants occurring before the transfer.
It is possible that a court may consider the clause to be in breach of section 25 of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995.
For a clause that limits the liability of the original landlord only, see Standard clause, Limitation of landlord's liability following transfer of the reversion (original landlord).