Compressor Station (US) | Practical Law

Compressor Station (US) | Practical Law

Compressor Station (US)

Compressor Station (US)

Practical Law Glossary Item w-026-4710 (Approx. 2 pages)


Compressor Station (US)

Facilities that are located along natural gas pipelines to maintain the pressure of the natural gas and facilitate its movement in the pipelines from the wells to its destination. As natural gas moves through a pipeline, distance, friction, and differences in elevation slow its movement and reduce its pressure. Compressor stations help maintain the pressure and flow of the gas. These stations typically are located every 50 to 70 miles along gathering and transmission pipelines.
Compressor stations consist of several parts, including:
  • The compressor unit, which is the equipment that compresses the gas. The compression may be done by a turbine, a motor, or an engine.
  • Filters and scrubbers that remove water, hydrocarbons, and other impurities from the natural gas.
  • Gas cooling systems that reduce the temperature of the natural gas, which generally rises during the compression process.
  • Mufflers that help reduce the noise level. These are especially important if the compressor station is located near residential areas.