Share Purchase Agreements: Comparing Approaches (US and UK) | Practical Law

Share Purchase Agreements: Comparing Approaches (US and UK) | Practical Law

A Practice Note comparing several key legal and market-based practices of US and UK law and custom with respect to share purchase agreements (SPAs) for private company acquisitions. It discusses similarities and differences in M&A practice for counsel to consider when drafting SPAs and choosing governing law, including the approach to deal certainty, use of pricing mechanisms, warranty and indemnity protection and seller liability, and dispute resolution.

Share Purchase Agreements: Comparing Approaches (US and UK)

Practical Law UK Practice Note 7-588-2045 (Approx. 24 pages)

Share Purchase Agreements: Comparing Approaches (US and UK)

by Dominic Blaxill, Gregory V Gooding and William D Regner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
MaintainedEngland, USA (National/Federal), Wales
A Practice Note comparing several key legal and market-based practices of US and UK law and custom with respect to share purchase agreements (SPAs) for private company acquisitions. It discusses similarities and differences in M&A practice for counsel to consider when drafting SPAs and choosing governing law, including the approach to deal certainty, use of pricing mechanisms, warranty and indemnity protection and seller liability, and dispute resolution.