OECD Inclusive Framework proposal for global minimum corporate tax rate | Practical Law

OECD Inclusive Framework proposal for global minimum corporate tax rate | Practical Law

This note describes pillar two of the OECD Inclusive Framework's two-pillar proposal to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy.

OECD Inclusive Framework proposal for global minimum corporate tax rate

Practical Law UK Practice Note Overview w-032-1027 (Approx. 264 pages)

OECD Inclusive Framework proposal for global minimum corporate tax rate

Law stated as at 02 Apr 2024United Kingdom
This note describes pillar two of the OECD Inclusive Framework's two-pillar proposal to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy.
The pillar two proposal is for a global minimum tax rate for large multinationals, which is effected through an income inclusion rule requiring parent entities to pay top-up tax in respect of low-taxed income of constituent entities and is supported by source taxation of income not taxed at minimum rates through an undertaxed payments rule and a treaty-based subject to tax rule.