Practicing in the Complex Business Litigation Program (NJ) | Practical Law

Practicing in the Complex Business Litigation Program (NJ) | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing civil practice in the Complex Business Litigation Program (CBLP) of the New Jersey Superior Court, Law Division, Civil Part. This Note examines the types of cases that parties may file in the CBLP and the limits or modifications on the general civil practice rules that apply in the CBLP. These include unique requirements for filing, case management, discovery, motion practice, and trial.

Practicing in the Complex Business Litigation Program (NJ)

Practical Law Practice Note w-014-8527 (Approx. 33 pages)

Practicing in the Complex Business Litigation Program (NJ)

by Practical Law Litigation
MaintainedNew Jersey
A Practice Note discussing civil practice in the Complex Business Litigation Program (CBLP) of the New Jersey Superior Court, Law Division, Civil Part. This Note examines the types of cases that parties may file in the CBLP and the limits or modifications on the general civil practice rules that apply in the CBLP. These include unique requirements for filing, case management, discovery, motion practice, and trial.